/* * Activiti Modeler component part of the Activiti project * Copyright 2005-2014 Alfresco Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * Assignment */ var KisBpmAssignmentCtrl = ['$scope', '$modal', '$http', function ($scope, $modal, $http) { // Config for the modal window var opts = { template: 'editor-app/configuration/properties/assignment-popup.html?version=' + Date.now(), scope: $scope }; // Open the dialog $modal(opts); }]; var KisBpmAssignmentPopupCtrl = ['$scope', '$modal', '$http', function ($scope, $modal, $http) { // Put json representing assignment on scope if ($scope.property.value !== undefined && $scope.property.value !== null && $scope.property.value.assignment !== undefined && $scope.property.value.assignment !== null) { $scope.assignment = $scope.property.value.assignment; } else { $scope.assignment = {}; } if ($scope.assignment.candidateUsers == undefined || $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.length == 0) { $scope.assignment.candidateUsers = [{value: ''}]; } if ($scope.assignment.assignee == undefined || $scope.assignment.assignee == '') { $scope.assignment.assignee = ''; } // Click handler for + button after enum value var userValueIndex = 1; $scope.addCandidateUserValue = function (index) { $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.splice(index + 1, 0, {value: 'value ' + userValueIndex++}); }; // Click handler for - button after enum value $scope.removeCandidateUserValue = function (index) { $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.splice(index, 1); }; if ($scope.assignment.candidateGroups == undefined || $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.length == 0) { $scope.assignment.candidateGroups = [{value: ''}]; } var groupValueIndex = 1; $scope.addCandidateGroupValue = function (index) { $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.splice(index + 1, 0, {value: 'value ' + groupValueIndex++}); }; // Click handler for - button after enum value $scope.removeCandidateGroupValue = function (index) { $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.splice(index, 1); }; //Open the dialog to select users $scope.choseAssignment = function (flag) { var opts = { template: 'editor-app/configuration/properties/assignment-popup-popup.html?version=' + Date.now(), scope: $scope }; $scope.choseAssignmentFlag = flag; // Open the dialog $modal(opts); }; //Open the dialog to select candidateGroups $scope.choseCandidateGroups = function () { var opts = { template: 'editor-app/configuration/properties/assignment-candidateGroup.html?version=' + Date.now(), scope: $scope }; // Open the dialog $modal(opts); }; $scope.dynCandidateUser = function (position) { $scope.assignment.assignee = "${" + position.code + "}"; $scope.assignment.assigneeshowname = position.name; if (typeof $scope.property.value === 'string') { $scope.property.value = {}; } $scope.property.value.assignment = $scope.assignment; $scope.updatePropertyInModel($scope.property); $scope.close(); }; $scope.save = function () { $scope.property.value = {}; handleAssignmentInput($scope); $scope.property.value.assignment = $scope.assignment; $scope.updatePropertyInModel($scope.property); $scope.close(); }; // Close button handler $scope.close = function () { handleAssignmentInput($scope); $scope.property.mode = 'read'; $scope.$hide(); }; var handleAssignmentInput = function ($scope) { if ($scope.assignment.candidateUsers) { var emptyUsers = true; var toRemoveIndexes = []; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.length; i++) { if ($scope.assignment.candidateUsers[i].value != '') { emptyUsers = false; } else { toRemoveIndexes[toRemoveIndexes.length] = i; } } for (var i = 0; i < toRemoveIndexes.length; i++) { $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.splice(toRemoveIndexes[i], 1); } if (emptyUsers) { $scope.assignment.candidateUsers = undefined; } } if ($scope.assignment.candidateGroups) { var emptyGroups = true; var toRemoveIndexes = []; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.length; i++) { if ($scope.assignment.candidateGroups[i].value != '') { emptyGroups = false; } else { toRemoveIndexes[toRemoveIndexes.length] = i; } } for (var i = 0; i < toRemoveIndexes.length; i++) { $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.splice(toRemoveIndexes[i], 1); } if (emptyGroups) { $scope.assignment.candidateGroups = undefined; } } }; //因新打开的界面上选定的数据要传输到当前modal中,所以使用此方式,这是angular.js中不同控制器之间传输数据的方式 $scope.$on('choseAssigneesStr', function (event, data, nameData) { var infos = data.split(","); var nameInfos = nameData.split(","); // $scope.assignment.candidateUsers= []; for (var i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.push({value: infos[i], nameValue: nameInfos[i]}); // $scope.assignment.candidateUsers[i].value = infos[i]; } //清空第一个 if ((!$scope.assignment.candidateUsers[0].value) || $scope.assignment.candidateUsers[0] == '') { //清空第一个元素 $scope.assignment.candidateUsers.splice(0, 1); } }); $scope.$on('choseAssigneeStr', function (event, data) { $scope.assignment.assignee = data; }); $scope.$on('choseAssigneeNameStr', function (event, data) { $scope.assignment.assigneeshowname = data; }); $scope.$on('choseCandidateGroupsStr', function (event, data, nameData) { // $scope.assignment.candidateGroups[0].value = data; var infos = data.split(","); var nameInfos = nameData.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { // $scope.assignment.candidateGroups[i].value = infos[i]; $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.push({value: infos[i], nameValue: nameInfos[i]}); } //清空第一个 if ((!$scope.assignment.candidateGroups[0].value) || $scope.assignment.candidateGroups[0] == '') { //清空第一个元素 $scope.assignment.candidateGroups.splice(0, 1); } }); }]; // 用户列表 var KisBpmChoseAssignmentCtrl = ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) { $scope.keyword = ''; $scope.reload = true; $scope.paginationConf = { currentPage: 1, totalItems: 100, itemsPerPage: 10, pagesLength: 5, perPageOptions: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], onChange: function () { if (!$scope.reload) { return; } $scope.reloadList();//重新加载 这个方法会重复调用两次 $scope.reload = false; setTimeout(function () { $scope.reload = true; }, 200); } }; // 刷新列表方法 $scope.reloadList = function () { $scope.findPage($scope.paginationConf.currentPage, $scope.paginationConf.itemsPerPage); } // 分页方法,请求数据 $scope.findPage = function (page, limit) { let accounts = []; $http({ method: 'get', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', }, url: ACTIVITI.CONFIG.baseUrl + '/sys/user/actUserList/'+ page + '/' + limit + "?keyword=" + $scope.keyword }) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { //封装数据 let obj = data.result; if (data != null && data.code == 0) { obj.records.forEach(function (e, i) { accounts.push({id: e.id, code: e.username, name: e.realname, index: i}); }) } $scope.accounts = accounts; $scope.paginationConf.totalItems = obj.total; }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { }); } //模态框左侧组的点击事件:根据所点击的组获取当前组的所有用户 $scope.queryByRole = function (value) { //初始化表格 $scope.keyword = ''; $scope.paginationConf.currentPage = 1; $scope.reloadList(); }; $scope.queryByKeyword = function () { $scope.paginationConf.currentPage = 1; $scope.reloadList(); } $scope.reset = function () { $scope.keyword = ""; $scope.paginationConf.currentPage = 1; $scope.reloadList(); } //初始化左边菜单栏数据,并触发第一个菜单的点击事件 let roles = []; $scope.getAllRoles = function (successCallback) { $http({ method: 'get', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'X-Access-Token': ACTIVITI.CONFIG.token }, url: ACTIVITI.CONFIG.baseUrl + '/sys/role/getRoleList' }) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { let obj = data.result; for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { roles.push({id: obj[i].id, name: obj[i].roleName}); } $scope.roles = roles; }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { }); }; $scope.getAllRoles(function () { }); // Close button handler $scope.close = function () { $scope.$hide(); }; $scope.formData = {}; $scope.candidateUser = {}; //Save Data $scope.save = function () { if ($scope.choseAssignmentFlag == "assignee") { var choseAssignees = $scope.accounts; var choseAssigneesStr = ""; var choseAssigneesNameStr = ""; for (var i = 0; i < choseAssignees.length; i++) { if (choseAssignees[i].checked) { choseAssigneesStr = choseAssignees[i].id; choseAssigneesNameStr = choseAssignees[i].name; break; } } $scope.$emit('choseAssigneeStr', choseAssigneesStr); $scope.$emit('choseAssigneeNameStr', choseAssigneesNameStr); } else if ($scope.choseAssignmentFlag == "assignees") { var choseAssignees = $scope.accounts; var choseAssigneesStr = ""; var choseAssigneesNameStr = ""; for (var i = 0; i < choseAssignees.length; i++) { if (choseAssignees[i].selected) { choseAssigneesStr += choseAssignees[i].id + ","; choseAssigneesNameStr += choseAssignees[i].name + ","; } } choseAssigneesStr = choseAssigneesStr.substring(0, choseAssigneesStr.length - 1); choseAssigneesNameStr = choseAssigneesNameStr.substring(0, choseAssigneesNameStr.length - 1); $scope.$emit('choseAssigneesStr', choseAssigneesStr, choseAssigneesNameStr); } $scope.close(); }; $scope.selectAll = function () { var choseAssignees = $scope.accounts; for (var i = 0; i < choseAssignees.length; i++) { choseAssignees[i].selected = true; } $scope.accounts = choseAssignees; }; $scope.rowClick = function (id) { var type = $scope.choseAssignmentFlag; var choseAssignees = $scope.accounts; for (var i = 0; i < choseAssignees.length; i++) { if (type == "assignee") { if (choseAssignees[i].id == id) { choseAssignees[i].checked = true; } else { choseAssignees[i].checked = false; } } else if (type == "assignees") { if (choseAssignees[i].id == id) { choseAssignees[i].selected = choseAssignees[i].selected ? false : true; } } } $scope.accounts = choseAssignees; } }]; var KisBpmChoseCandidateGroupsCtrl = ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) { var candidateGroups = []; $scope.getAllRoles = function (successCallback) { $http({ method: 'get', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', }, url: ACTIVITI.CONFIG.baseUrl + '/sys/role/getRoleList' }) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { let obj = data.result; for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { candidateGroups.push({id: obj[i].id, name: obj[i].roleName, description: obj[i].description}); } $scope.candidateGroups = candidateGroups; }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { }); }; $scope.getAllRoles(function () { }); // Close button handler $scope.close = function () { $scope.$hide(); }; $scope.save = function () { var choseCandidateGroups = $scope.candidateGroups; var choseCandidateGroupsStr = ""; var choseAssigneesNameStr = ""; for (var i = 0; i < choseCandidateGroups.length; i++) { if (choseCandidateGroups[i].selected) { choseCandidateGroupsStr += choseCandidateGroups[i].id + ","; choseAssigneesNameStr += choseCandidateGroups[i].description + ","; } } choseCandidateGroupsStr = choseCandidateGroupsStr.substring(0, choseCandidateGroupsStr.length - 1); choseAssigneesNameStr = choseAssigneesNameStr.substring(0, choseAssigneesNameStr.length - 1); $scope.$emit('choseCandidateGroupsStr', choseCandidateGroupsStr, choseAssigneesNameStr); $scope.close(); } $scope.selectAll = function () { var candidateGroups = $scope.candidateGroups; for (var i = 0; i < candidateGroups.length; i++) { candidateGroups[i].selected = true; } $scope.candidateGroups = candidateGroups; }; $scope.rowClick = function (id) { var candidateGroups = $scope.candidateGroups; for (var i = 0; i < candidateGroups.length; i++) { if (candidateGroups[i].id == id) { candidateGroups[i].selected = candidateGroups[i].selected ? false : true; } } $scope.candidateGroups = candidateGroups; } }];